Tuesday, 5 June 2012


new leader
The leader that came with my kit has got shorter and shorter over time.  Mainly due to losing so many fly's and not using a tippet to begin with.  I now have a new tapered leader.  Words such as tippet and tapered leader were meaningless to me a few months back.  I now find I can talk for hours on the subject of which to use and when to use them down the pub (although some would say I can talk for hours down the pub on any subject after a few jugs!)

So, now I have this fantastic new leader that will obviously let me catch a load more fish and become a master fly fisher, I face a new and somewhat annoying problem.  How to attach the thing to my floating line!  The RIO Trout leader rather handingly has a hoop on the end to attach it the the fly line, but my fly line has no such handy hoop.  So, it just a case of using a fancy a knot to make a hoop, never that easy, and hoop making is slowly turning my loopy!

I chose the perfection loop.  It should be easy, but with my fat fingers and dodgy eyes it was anything but easy.  Now it's done it means I can attach the leader via a loop to loop connection which sounds like it's easy so I shall not go into that in too much detail

Next problem, attaching the tippet to the leader,  I did this with a double blood knot.  Looks easy, is said to be very easy, but I found it harder than it should be.  Hopefully the more I do the easier it will get!

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